Team Robert Weekly Newsletter – 6/21/2024


Robert’s week was packed full of events that continued to have him engaging voters and local leaders in the district. He’s also expanded his list of endorsements. Some of the highlights from this past week include attendance at various GOP events, the Mizner Park Father’s Day Car Show, and the Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Additionally, we had great attendance at the fundraiser hosted by Marta and Jim Batmasian, Frances and Ronen Fishman, Wendy and Matthew Maschler, & Evan Darnell at the AlleyCat in Boca Raton. Thanks to all who stopped by!


“Bob is a passionate advocate for our community, consistently demonstrating his commitment to making a positive impact.”

– Jonathan Price, CEO for the Faulk Center for Counseling

“Robert’s commitment to our local community is unmatched, as evidenced by his unwavering dedication and tireless efforts to uplift and empower those around him.”

– Jason Hagensick, President and CEO of the YMCA of South Palm Beach County


June 27 — East Broward GOP Club Candidate’s Forum, 7pm at Stingers Pizza, 1201 S Ocean Blvd, Pompano Beach

July 6 — Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to Overseas and Military voters

July 11 — Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to domestic voters

July 22 — Deadline to register to vote or change party affiliation

August 8 — Deadline to request that ballot be mailed.

August 10 — Early Voting begins; Deadline to mail-in your ballot

August 17 — Early Voting Ends

August 20 — Primary Election Day

Select your respective county’s link below to request your mail-in ballot.

Broward County Mail-In Ballot Request

Palm Beach County Mail-In Ballot Request


Robert’s campaign is in high gear! We need your help organizing events, making calls, distributing signs, sharing information with voters, and many other things to help us win.

Even if you can only spare a couple of hours a week, please join Team Robert’s volunteer army today!

Help Robert kick Jared Moskowitz out of Congress so he can fix the mess in Washington!